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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Penny Walker Penny has been a sustainable development consultant, facilitator and trainer since 1996, working with clients from the corporate, public and voluntary sectors.
Dr Bojun Wang Managed Net-zero Modelling at the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Dr Elanor Warwick Dr Elanor Warwick is an architect and urban designer with over 10 years in practice designing houses, schools and health buildings in the public and private sector.
Dr Elanor Warwick
Dr Steve Waygood Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors
Ken Webster Visiting Professor at Cranfield University
Professor Simon Weeks Chief Technology Officer, Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI)
Samsurin Welch Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, HyveGeo; and Research Associate, Circular Economy Centre, CJBS; Senior Associate, CISL
Andrea Westall Senior Associate of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Eliot Whittington Executive Director, Chief Systems Change Officer; Director of CISL’s Corporate Leaders Groups
Fokko Wientjes Fokko is Vice President of Corporate Sustainability and Public Private Partnerships at Royal DSM.
Elizabeth Wild Elizabeth is Social Responsibility Director, BP International, and has worked at BP since 2000. Her first role was in the Angola business, and then for a pipeline project in the Caucasus. She now leads the social responsibility team in a large central fun
Dr Lina Wiles Chief Sustainability Officer at Adapteo Group
Adele Williams Director of Communications
Jeremy Wilson Fellow of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Kate Wolfenden Co-Founder, 103 Ventures
Tony Wood Tony is Energy Program Director at the Grattan Institute. Tony and his team have delivered major reports on energy and climate change since mid-2011.
Ursula Woodburn Director CISL Europe, CLG Europe
Dr Ian Woods Ian is Head of Environmental, Social and Governance Investment Research, AMP Capital. Ian has been instrumental in the establishment and continual development of AMP Capital’s approach to the integration of ESG issues into the investment processes of AMP
Tomas Wyns Doctoral Researcher, IES