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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Policy hub

CISL has pioneered partnerships between business and finance leaders, policy-makers and academics to help unlock the economic change required to deliver the safe and sustainable economy of the future.

With a raft of global elections looming, and with geopolitical tensions and conflict dominating political agendas and decision-making fora, we face a decade more important than any other. One of the dominant strengths of CISL is in our convening power and collaborations which help influence and shape the policies we need for a sustainable future.   






Held in Baku, Azerbaijan, delegates including heads of state,
climate experts and policymakers will come together to agree coordinated action to tackle climate change, with a focus on
building on the momentum on the progress made at COP28.

Read more about CISL’s work at COP29



In addition to the main COP summit, this year will also see COP16, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) held in Colombia in October.

Read more about CISL’s work at COP16



CLG Europe

CLG Europe works to develop solutions on climate change with policymakers and business peers across the world. The group engages at the EU-wide and member-state levels to raise policy ambition and drive the transformation to a low carbon economy.

Find out more about CLG EU



The UK Corporate Leaders Group works at the UK level to raise policy ambition and advocate for robust business and policy solutions to the environmental and sustainability challenges facing our planet.

Find out more about CLG UK


CLG EU letter calls on Parliament to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Over 100 businesses and investors signed a joint letter calling on
the EU to set a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at
least 90% by 2040.

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UK Business Group Alliance for Net Zero Summit

As part of London Climate Action Week 2024, CLG UK will bring together businesses to identify areas that the UK Government needs to increase on in order to achieve its Net Zero ambition.

Find out more




Foresight/CISL Insight

The Green Deal and Beyond

A Business Agenda for a Sustainable, Competitive and Resilient Europe

Read the report

The world is going to the polls: CISL Directors' thoughts

CISL Directors from across our global offices offer their views on
the policies needed in this most pivotal year.

Read the blog


Global Leadership in the Age of Turbulence

Our recent report highlighted the crucial role that policymakers play in triggering fundamental shifts in approaches to leadership.  

Read the report

Policy in corporate sustainability

Dr Livia Ventura explains how the recently approved Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive by the European Parliament will impact businesses across Europe and beyond.

Read the blog


Global leadership and policymaking

Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome, spoke
at our recent Global Leadership Summit on the role of EU policymakers in meeting green goals.

Watch the video

What businesses need to know about policy and regulations

Dr Martin Porter, Executive Chair, CISL Europe, discusses the
crucial need for sustainable business to be directed by public policy

Read more


Global Leadership Recommendations

In response to the challenges faced by society and those in positions of leadership, Lindsay Hooper and Eliot Whittington discuss some key recommendations from CISL's Global Leadership Summit.

Listen to the podcast



Research changing policy

Our leading academics work to unlock government ambition to combat real-world challenges.



Dr Gabriel Okello is creating a platform for knowledge-sharing among key air pollution stakeholders, with the aim of building healthier communities through transition from fossil-fuelled transport to electric mobility.

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Dr Florence Nabwire examines micronutrient deficiencies in
the first 1000 days of life in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a
particular focus on how policy makers can drive healthier outcomes. 

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Dr Livia Ventura is researching corporate governance frameworks which allow organisations to embed sustainability into their legal form, with a view to fostering policy recommendations. 

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Education on policy

Business Sustainability

For professionals wanting to act as an
agent for positive change and lead sustainability across an organisation.

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Sustainable Marketing, Media and Creative

For marketing, media and creative professionals who wish to be at the forefront of sustainability transformation.

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Sustainable Supply Chain Management

For professionals wanting to keep up with emerging trends and build resilience within the supply chain environment.

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Resources and research

Read more of our CLG work on policy

Global Leadership in the Age of Turbulence

17 April 2024

22 April 2024 – In February CISL convened a multi-sectoral Global Leadership Summit. This report synthesises the key challenges and solutions from discussions at the Summit.

Ahead of the Curve: A preparatory guide on nature for the agri-food sector

11 March 2024

12 March 2024 - Guidance for businesses in the agri-food sector to aid understanding of nature-related risks and disclosure frameworks that can promote nature-positive action has been produced by CISL in collaboration with Asda and incorporates business insights from value chain actors

Financing Africa’s Low Carbon Transition

29 January 2024

30 January 2024 - A policy briefing by CISL examines how there is a $1.8 trillion gap to fund the transition to low carbon economies in Africa.

Market driven decarbonisation: The role of demand-led innovation in supporting emission reductions in foundation industries.

19 May 2023

24 May 2023 - A policy briefing by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) examines how UK markets can better drive decarbonisation in foundation industries such as steel, cement ands.

On the Borderline: The EU CBAM and its place in the world of trade

18 October 2021

October 2021 - The CISL report ‘On the Borderline: the EU CBAM and its place in the world of trade’ shows unilateral action is risky but may be needed to achieve net zero by 2050.

UK business and policy leadership for net zero: analysis of progress to reduce emissions

21 May 2021

May 2021 – A report from University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership analyses the progress the UK has made towards reducing emissions and meeting its 2030 targets, and looks at the role that policy and clear, sector-specific ambitions have played in supporting the transition.

Brexit and UK climate leadership: The emerging opportunities and challenges

18 March 2021

A report from University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership examines the opportunities and challenges for climate leadership in the context of Brexit.