Visiting Professor Cranfield University UK. Formerly Head of Innovation Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2010-2018) and Senior Lecturer at University of Exeter (2019 and 2020) My focus is circular economy and systems thinking with an especial interest in policy and in building and construction. Author of Circular Economy: A Wealth of Flows (EMF 2015, 2017) ABC&D Creating a Regenerative Circular Economy for All -with Craig Johnson- (TerraPreta, 2021) and with Alex Duff: The Wonderful Circles of Oz : A Circular Economy Story (Routledge, 2022) Lead writer in circularity team UNEP GEO-7 report and co editor and contributing author on Earth for All|: A Survival Guide for Humanity (Club of Rome 2022). DSc h. c. (Univ of Brighton) FRSA