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While undertaking their main piece of individual research, our sustainability Master’s students receive oversight from an academic supervisor.

During the second year of the continuous route students complete a 15,000-word research dissertation.

Dissertation supervisors are selected for their topic-specific and research expertise. A broad spectrum of topics and research methodologies can be accommodated by drawing on academics from across the University and, if necessary, leading external experts. The research is marked by two independent assessors.

Students on the flexible route are supported assignment supervisors on each stage of the programme.



Recent dissertation topics supervised

Dr Nancy Bocken

Evolving sustainability metrics: How theoretically applicable and technically feasible are Key Fitness Indicators for global apparel companies

Transition of an industrialized society from linear to circular economy: The case of waste management on the island of Bornholm

Dr Tanja Collavo

Mobilising SME response to climate change: an analysis of the resources and capabilities needed for climate change mitigation among Scotland’s small rural businesses

Dr Chris Coleridge

The role of blockchain in developing sustainable supply chain finance: future business models

Network embeddedness and business model innovation

Dr Louise Drake

Toward defining a sustainability mindset: Exploring the relationship between mindset and sustainability leadership

The role of health care workers in sustainable medical waste management: A qualitative study amongst public hospitals in Vietnam

Prof Robert Eccles Assessing the validity of regulatory intervention in ESG standard setting for financial services: The EU Taxanomy
Dr Kayla Friedman The role of commercial banks in water scarcity solutions in developing countries
Professor Peter Guthrie How can a greater number of women at the grassroots level, in urban slums, take on the role of change-agents; leading towards more sustainable health cultures
Dr Theo Hacking

Impact Investing: A study of social and environmental impact measurement by investment funds

The role of business to combat human trafficking

Dr Candice Howarth

Sustainable Travel Behaviour: Analysis of factors influencing short distance-travel behaviour of citizens, Geographical Location: Baku, Azerbaijan

Change beyond Sustainability through permaculture- Motivational factors of engaging in regenerative practices: A focus on Danish Permaculturists

Dr Jenny Pope

Climate resilient cities – from planning to action, lessons for success

The role of Communications for the ‘Social License to Operate (SLO)’ process

Professor Juliane Reinecke

Business for Peace: Role of the private sector in positive contributions to peace in conflict-affected areas. Perspectives on Nordic ICT companies

Exploring the return on investment for private sector companies investing in youth development

Dr Rory Sullivan

The reality of Responsible Investment: How do private equity shareholders engage with their portfolio on ESG and what factors enhance their effectiveness in doing so?

Key Factors That Determine Successful Investor Engagement on Climate Issues with China’s Listed Companies

Dr Emre Usenmez

Exploring Mechanisms to Increase Responsible Sourcing in the Upstream Base Metals Supply Chain

Responsible Investing: An Analysis of Engagement by Bond Investors

Dr Wayne Visser

Facilitating the transition to a sustainable future: An investigation into financial sector readiness to act

How can business help achieve the future we want? The status of corporate reporting on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


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Master's course overview

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Admission requirements

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Learning approach and time commitment


Assignment Supervisors

Dissertation Supervisors

Flexible Route Supervisors

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What's the difference between an MSc and an MSt?

Programme governance

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