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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Read more at: Strong leadership is needed for the UK to deliver its 2030 net zero target
Flooded town road busy with buses and cars driving through water

Strong leadership is needed for the UK to deliver its 2030 net zero target

24 July 2024 - A new government offers the UK a reset on its energy transition. But decisions need to be made fast, for long-term gains towards a decarbonised economy, says Beverley Cornaby of the Corporate Leaders’ Group.

Read more at: Why it’s Now for Nature as businesses move to understand and address their impacts on the natural world
A white-faced capuchin monkey sitting on a tree.

Why it’s Now for Nature as businesses move to understand and address their impacts on the natural world

12 July – Edmund Dickens, Business and Nature Project Manager, discusses why nature is everyone’s business and how businesses tackling climate change can use their experiences as a springboard for action on nature.

Read more at: How quickly can Labour deliver its promised climate and nature policies?
Wind turbines in a field

How quickly can Labour deliver its promised climate and nature policies?

11 July 2024 - The decisions made by the new government over its first 100 days will be critical for demonstrating green leadership, writes Beverley Cornaby, Director of Corporate Leaders Group UK.

Read more at: From why to how – good governance in turbulent times
Good governance in turbulent times

From why to how – good governance in turbulent times

2 July 2024 – In this blog, Ben Kellard, Director of Business Strategy, explores how business leaders can make their way out of the transformation dilemma by following four key governance principles and enable their organisations to deliver their purpose and strategy aligned with a sustainable future. If you'd like to learn more about how boards can navigate the transformation dilemma, join CISL's sustainable governance course.

Read more at: What could the green economy expect from a Labour Government?
Aerial view of roundabout covered in trees with roads at different angles

What could the green economy expect from a Labour Government?

2 July 2024 - Business wants clarity, stability, commitment and delivery from the government elected on Friday, writes CISL's Eliot Whittington.

Read more at: The economy isn’t working - for people or the planet. It's time for a new narrative.
Downing Street

The economy isn’t working - for people or the planet. It's time for a new narrative.

28 June 2024 - Predictably, economic growth takes centre stage on the election trial. But few politicians questions what sort of growth we want, how much, or the purpose of the economy. CISL's Director of Business Strategy, Ben Kellard, discusses why it's time for a new vision.

Read more at: Comment: This is no time to stand back. Business must lead the way to a more sustainable world
Wind turbines standing in blue sea off the coast of southern England

Comment: This is no time to stand back. Business must lead the way to a more sustainable world

25 June 2024 - CISL's Interim CEO, Lindsay Hooper, writes: In an era of disruptions, polarisation, complexity and increasingly intricate environmental debates, the core business case for sustainability remains: business cannot thrive on a dead planet.

Read more at: Historic nature law passes in Europe: now we need to finance it
View low over waters of River Po in Turin, Italy

Historic nature law passes in Europe: now we need to finance it

24 June 2024 – Dr Nina Seega, Director of CISL’s Centre for Sustainable Finance, asks what's needed for the Nature Restoration Law to be a success.

Read more at: Chief Sustainability Officers come together to explore how organisations can deliver system change for a sustainable economy
CISL entopia building forum

Chief Sustainability Officers come together to explore how organisations can deliver system change for a sustainable economy

17 June 2024 - Ben Kellard, Director of Business Strategy, reflects on the challenges and enabling practices that emerged from discussions with cross-sectoral CSOs at our recent Forum.

Read more at: What do businesses need to know about policy and regulations in sustainability? - The EU example
European Commission Building

What do businesses need to know about policy and regulations in sustainability? - The EU example

03 June 2024 – Dr Martin Porter, Executive Chair, CISL Europe, discusses the crucial need for sustainable business to be directed by public policy and for business to embrace its role in activating change for a sustainable future.


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