Dr Nina Seega, Director, Centre for Sustainable Finance, CISL said:
"We know nature and climate crises are deeply interconnected. Banks and investment managers, with their global reach, hold the power to reshape the connection between the financial and real economy and drive systemic change needed to address both crises in tandem. This Guide will support front-line staff of banks and investment managers to engage with their clients and investees to deliver action that supports the rewiring our financial system needs to allow natural systems to recover by 2030."
Jessica Smith, Nature Lead, UNEP FI said:
"Financial institutions have made gains in addressing climate risk and broadly understanding the role of nature in financial risk. The "Let’s Discuss Nature with Climate" guide empowers them with practical tools to go one step further, by acting on these themes in tandem."
Christoph Baumann, Deputy Head Planning & Strategy Division, Envoy for Sustainable Finance, Swiss State Secretariat for International Finance said:
“More than half of global economic output is strongly or moderately dependent on nature. This publication gives financial institutions the tools to help their corporate clients reduce their nature-related risks and dependencies.”
Tim Manuel, Co-Chair ILG and Partner, Head of Responsible Investment UK, Aon said:
“How to identify and mitigate biodiversity risks and nature loss is highly complex and all investors need a place to start. This engagement guide provides that and helps users formulate a constructive conversation and analysis.”
Markus Müller, Chief Investment Officer ESG & Global Head of Chief Investment Office, Deutsche Bank Private Bank, said:
“Nature is the foundation of all our lives, a complex and multifaceted construct based on a delicate balance of different ecosystems. Out of a total of nine planetary boundaries, climate change is just one of six that we have already breached. In order to bring about truly systematic changes in our economy that will allow us to work towards a sustainable and equitable world, we must address and act on climate change and nature loss in tandem. The guidance published by CISL is an important contribution to this.”
Victoria Leggett, Co-Chair ILG and Head of Impact Investing, UBP said:
“This engagement guide equips investment managers to conduct constructive and effective conversations with investee companies, building on the momentum from climate-related action. Reframing engagement this way, as a partnership for change, is fundamental to transforming current systems and developing a more nature positive economy.”
Max Richardson, Senior Investment Director, Rathbones said:
“Understanding that nature and climate form the same interconnected system, and that its degradation presents significant risks, is critical for financial stability. This practical guide, drawing on both academic and practitioner expertise, will help investors and bankers to navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.”
Lenka Moore, Senior Manager, Capitals Coalition said:
"Helping businesses to understand the interplay between biodiversity loss and climate change is key to taking more effective actions to tackle multiple crises at the same time. Our economies can only continue to thrive, if nature keeps on providing us with the benefits of functioning ecosystem services, thriving biodiversity and a stable climate."