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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Dr Florence Nabwire Prince of Wales Fellow in Public Health Nutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa supported by Brighter Living Foundation
Rajat Nag Rajat Nag is the former Managing Director of the Asian Development Bank. Rajat is a Distinguished Fellow at India’s National Council of Applied Economic Research, Delhi and a Senior Fellow at the Emerging Markets Forum, a think tank based in Washington DC
Chandran Nair Founder and CEO of the Global Institute For Tomorrow (GIFT)
Brian Nash Senior Director of Corporate Sustainability, Ingredion Incorporated
Ladislau Martin Neto Ladislau has been a Senior Scientist and Researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) since 1986.
Derry Newman Derry is the retired Chief Executive Officer of Solarcentury. Solarcentury is one of the UK’s leading solar energy companies. As CEO, Derry led the expansion into new markets across Europe and led the introduction of award winning new products.
Anna Nitch-Smith Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer
Susan Njoroge Managing Director of Responsible Business Consulting
Lebo Nke Chief Culture Officer, Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator
Sibusiso Nkomo Programme Manager - Africa Programme
Tara Norton Chief Sustainability Officer, Navico
Yvette Nowell Senior Associate of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Jonathan Ntsiful Communications and marketing specialist