Supporting you to face the future
We help our clients to respond to a future of accelerating change and increasing expectations; a future in which we will harness technology to enable new ways of living and working, whilst transforming whole industry sectors and economies to respond to pressing challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation and social inequality.
Our clients need to be effective in navigating these changes to the context for business, whilst understanding and responding to growing social expectations that businesses should take responsibility for solving global social and environmental challenges, for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals; and the expectation that the fundamental purpose of business should be to create value for all stakeholders.
How we can help
We help organisations build long-term resilience, gain competitive advantage and identify new opportunities for value creation aligned with a transition to a sustainable economy.
Our clients work with us to:
- explore key trends and drivers
- identify and assess strategic and commercial risks and opportunities
- identify leverage points and effective engagement approaches to influence change across whole regions, sectors or value chains
- take practical action in ways that respond to short-term business imperatives while supporting long-term transformation.
Let us help you meet your organisation's specific challenges.
Our services include:
Organisational purpose and strategy development |
We help our clients to respond to the most material risks to 'business as usual', to identify new opportunities for sustainable value creation and business growth, and to align their fundamental purpose and strategy with the transition to a sustainable economy. | |
Target setting, measurement and disclosure |
We support our clients by building their capacity to understand leading practice in setting targets, to comply with new disclosure requirements and to develop impact metrics for use in commercial decision-making as well as for investment purposes. | |
Embedding sustainability into organisational practices and decisions |
We help clients embed sustainability into the way they work as an organisation by building awareness and understanding; achieving alignment around a clear purpose and strategy; instilling a sense of responsibility and agency; and addressing critical capability gaps. | |
Innovation for sustainability |
We assist our clients in achieving step-change innovation across products, process and even fundamental business models. |
External engagement and collaboration |
We assist our clients in identifying where and how they can increase their wider positive impact. For example, in designing and developing collaborations with their peers and stakeholders, within and across sectors and regions and through engagement with policymakers and NGOs. |