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It is our ambition to attract students who have the greatest potential for positive impact in the world, whatever their background, and for whom participation in one of our postgraduate programmes will be valuable in accelerating that impact. We recognise that funding can be a barrier to participation for many strong applicants and we welcome the support of individuals and organisations who enable us to provide bursary schemes.

PG Certificate Access Bursary

We recognise the importance of diversity of perspective and experience within our cohorts, and our bursaries aim not only to address financial barriers, but to support the diversity of cohorts to the benefit of all of our students. Our bursary aims to support candidates who would otherwise not be able to participate in the course, and preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate this. We welcome applicants in particular who have experienced social, economic or educational disadvantage.


Criteria for granting the bursary

Our PG Certificate Access Bursary is available to candidates who can demonstrate a clear case for financial need.

We particularly welcome applications from:

  • UK citizens from ethnic minorities

  • Citizens of a country in the DAC list of ODA recipients

  • Candidates who are under-represented on our programmes - including but not limited to; refugees or asylum seekers, carers, care-leavers, individuals with a disability
  • Candidates who can demonstrate a case for financial need, including applicants from low income backgrounds, low-income countries or without access to company or other sources of funding. 


Applications are welcome from any candidate, irrespective of gender, nationality or geographical location. There are no restrictions on citizenship, country of residence or fee status.


Bursary value

The value of bursaries awarded may range in value between 10% and 50% of the fee. The amount awarded will be discounted from the course fee and is not transferable. Recipients must be able to pay any remaining fees and meet the travel costs associated with attending the residential workshops, and cover any other costs that may be incurred to fulfil the course requirements, e.g. undertaking research.


Application and selection process

Bursary applications must be made online using this application form. Applications open and close on the same dates as programme applications. Please see the overview table for programme application dates.

All bursary applicants must:

  • have applied for admission to the PG Certificate programme via the standard application process;
  • demonstrate their commitment to sustainability leadership, and how they will be able to implement their experiences on the programme in their professional / personal life.

Bursary applications must be made onlineWithin the bursary application form applicants will be asked to articulate:

  • How financial support will enable access to the course, and any supporting factors demonstrating social, economic or educational disadvantage. We will prioritise candidates who have significant financial hardship, or who are under-represented in our programmes
  • What other funding options you have investigated, including employer support
  • What you will bring to the course in terms of diversity of perspective
  • The impact of the programme and how you will implement your experiences on the programme in your professional / personal life.

Bursary applications are considered separately from programme admissions applications. Applicants who apply for a bursary will not be in any way disadvantaged within the programme application process and no information shared in a bursary application will be considered as part of the process to determine whether an offer of admission will be made. The outcome of the programme application is likely to be ahead of the results of the bursary application(s). Only bursary applications from candidates who may potentially receive offers of admission to the programme will be processed fully. The bursary selection process will involve a review of the bursary application and shortlisted bursary applicants may be invited for an additional interview, in person or by video conference (e.g. Skype or Zoom).  Further information and/or supporting evidence of any supporting factors raised in the application may be requested.

Successful recipients will be notified as soon as possible. Award of a bursary is subject to the offer of admission to the course being confirmed, with all conditions met, including confirmation of adequate financial support from other sources to cover any remaining portion of the fees and other costs.

There will be no obligation to award a bursary if no eligible candidate is selected.

Candidates who receive admission offers, but do not receive written confirmation of the award of a bursary, are still eligible to join the course but would need to provide confirmation of adequate financial support from other sources to cover the full fees and costs (as is the case for all other candidates). 


Expected commitments

The beneficiary will be required to submit a short report on their course experience outlining the impact of the bursary on their Cambridge experience for use (print and online) by CISL. 


Termination of an individual bursary

A bursary may be terminated if an individual is found to be in violation of the Statutes or Regulations of the University, or of the terms of the offer letters issued, or is convicted of any offence against the laws of England and Wales, or is unable to continue his/her studies at the University for any reason whatsoever, including having made unsatisfactory progress as determined by the University.


Other sources of funding

Residents of the UK or EU might be eligible for a Government loan scheme for part-time students studying for higher qualifications.

In addition to this we have compiled a list of resources, which might be helpful in identifying potential sources of funding. Generally, funding for part-time study is limited, since the format is considered to be geared towards employee-supported and/or self-funded students.




Meet the Directors Webinars

Join a live webinar session hosted by the Directors of our part-time postgraduate courses as they give you an overview of our programmes and admissions process and answer your questions.


More information 

Certificate course overview

Who should apply?

Admission requirements

Funding opportunities

Learning approach and time commitment



Value chain stream

What is a value chain?

Value chain stream: Curriculum

Value chain Supervisors


Organisational stream

Organisational stream: Curriculum

Organisational stream Supervisors


Student blogs

Employer benefits and information

Frequently asked questions


Email the team

If you can't find the answer to your query on the website please get in touch with the team here