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Value Chains are an integral part of strategic planning for many businesses today. Within leading companies there may be many ‘islands’ of good practice, including, for example, responsible sourcing, cleaner production, and developing new ‘green’ products; however, to achieve an interconnected perspective, a systems approach is needed. PCSB: Value chains stream is designed to go beyond themes such as 'sustainable supply chains' and 'green procurement', and empower leaders to bring about systemic, collaborative change across value chains.


The content is explored through two workshops, supported by essential reading and practical assignments:

  • Workshop 1 builds the awareness of key sustainability risks and opportunities, exploring the strategic business case for building resilient value chains
  • Workshop 2 develops an appreciation for the variety of institutional responses to the risks and opportunities identified, and builds capacity to apply ‘best practice’ tools and techniques to achieve sustainable value chains.

Crosscutting themes such as innovation and leadership are embedded within and/or interspersed between the main sessions.


“There are many sustainability courses, but PCSB: Value Chains stream is unique. The Cambridge setting, the faculty's knowledge, the people you meet, the social and personal experience. This programme will remain a highlight in my educational career.”

Sascha Reimann, Postgraduate Certificate, Value Chains stream


Indicative themes for Value Chains stream workshops


Workshop 1

Understanding the global risks and opportunities, and what
needs to change

Workshop 2

Catalysing change across the value chain

Workshop themes 

  • Environmental, social and economic pressures and drivers
  • Sustainability concepts and frameworks
  • Systems thinking
  • Critique of existing tools and enablers
  • Building the business case for sustainable value chains
  • Leadership for sustainability
  • Developing a critical and analytical mind


  • Partnerships and collaboration
  • Business model innovation
  • Leveraging change across the value chain
  • Communication and influence
  • Leadership for change


Assignment tasks

Group Project theme scoping

Analysis Paper preparation

Group Project research and drafting

Strategic Action Plan preparation 


Students are supported throughout their studies by a supervisor who will guide their learning on both individual assignments and group projects. Find out more about some of our most recent supervisors.





Meet the Directors Webinars

Join a live webinar session hosted by the Directors of our part-time postgraduate courses as they give you an overview of our programmes and admissions process and answer your questions.


More information 

Certificate course overview

Who should apply?

Admission requirements

Funding opportunities

Learning approach and time commitment



Value chain stream

What is a value chain?

Value chain stream: Curriculum

Value chain Supervisors


Organisational stream

Organisational stream: Curriculum

Organisational stream Supervisors


Student blogs

Employer benefits and information

Frequently asked questions


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