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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)


Jorgen Randers: 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years

27 November 2014

September 2012 - Forty years ago, The Limits to Growth study addressed the grand question of how humans would adapt to the physical limitations of planet Earth. In the book 2052, Jorgen Randers, one of the co-authors of Limits to Growth, issues a progress report and makes a forecast for the next forty years.

Ramon Arratia: Full Product Transparency: Cutting the Fluff Out of Sustainability

27 November 2014

December 2012 - In the past decade, thousands of companies have started the journey towards sustainability, leading to a huge supporting industry of sustainability professionals, lorry loads of corporate reports, and a plethora of green labels and marketing claims. Ramon Arratia argues that it's now time to transform this new industry by cutting out all the fluff and instead focusing on full product transparency (FPT).

Tony Juniper: What Has Nature Ever Done for Us?

27 November 2014

January 2013 - From Indian vultures to Chinese bees, nature provides the 'natural services' that keep the economy going. From the recycling miracles in the soil; an army of predators ridding us of unwanted pests; an abundance of life creating a genetic codebook that underpins our food, pharmaceutical industries and much more. It has been estimated that these and other services are each year worth about double global GDP. Yet we take most of Nature's services for granted, imagining them free and limitless... until they suddenly switch off.

Jane Nelson: Corporate Responsibility Coalitions: The Past, Present and Future of Alliances for Sustainable Capitalism

27 November 2014

January 2013 - How can we provide clean, safe, sustainable energy supplies for the world despite rising population levels and increasing economic development? Today, energy and sustainability are of primary concern and form the focus of this book and its companion volume, Renewable Energy. Interdisciplinary in its approach and global in its perspective, this book provides a contemporary exploration of the economic, social, environmental, and policy issues raised by current systems of energy use, as well as describing their key physical and engineering features. The historical evolution of the world's energy systems, the principles underlying their use, and their present status and future prospects are analysed, while emphasizing the important issue of sustainability.

Alan Knight: Rethinking Corporate Sustainability – If Only We Ran the Planet Like a Shop!

27 November 2014

March 2013 - A can-do, positive narrative on sustainable development. This narrative might come across as simplistic, but it is well-informed through real-life experiences and contrasts. It draws on the combined emotional and technical intelligence developed by being confronted with: a child making brass door handles in squalor in India; the memory of another child’s face when the toy they dreamed for was out of stock; the sight of a beautifully laid-out garden centre ready for the Easter rush; the destruction of a tropical forest that supplied the timber for the garden benches or seeing an overweight child enjoying a second burger for lunch in the UK. Its purpose is to build first-hand experiences through humour, metaphors, and clarity to help business leaders and others value and embrace the sustainability challenge.

Penny Walker: Working Collaboratively: A Practical Guide to Achieving More

27 November 2014

July 2013 - The really big sustainability challenges for your business can’t be solved by your business. But they can be solved by your business working in collaboration with others. Working Collaboratively provides tools to help you understand and manage successful collaborations: identify potential collaborators, e.g. key players from other parts of the system; spot internal ‘ways of working’ that support or get in the way of collaboration; use a range of techniques to explore win-wins with potential collaborators.

Nick Coad and Paul Pritchard: Leading Sustainable Innovation

27 November 2014

July 2013 - Sustainability will play an increasingly key role in the innovation process within businesses. Leading companies are already integrating these agendas, and preparing their sustainability executives to take the lead. This book demonstrates why sustainability requires innovation; explains how this opportunity can be grasped by sustainability executives; outlines the skills they will need to learn to lead on sustainable innovation and outlines key trends in sustainable innovation and in managing innovation.


Adele Williams, Communications and Media Manager

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