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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

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Below is a selection of papers and articles based on research undertaken during our Postgraduate programmes. 

Articles written by students or alumni of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) do not necessarily represent the views of, or endorsement by, the Institute or the wider University of Cambridge. 

Fiona Charnley, Cherie Nelson, Saskia Wendland, Sonia Ventosa, Ajay Jain, Florian Mueller (PCSB - Value Chains Stream cohort 9) 

This paper published in the journal Resources, Conservation and Recycling addresses the pressing need for businesses to embrace Circular Economy principles within the textiles sector to reduce waste and pollution. Through comprehensive analysis and practical recommendations, it highlights the crucial steps required to scale up closed-loop systems for recycling post-consumer textiles, providing valuable insights for industry stakeholders and policymakers alike.

Sasha Sarokin (Cohort 12), Founder of CLOTH.WORK

Sasha has published a paper in the Journal of Cleaner Production based on her dissertation research into pursuing profitability in slow fashion.

Claire Medina (Cohort 10), UNDP Resident Representative, Malawi

Claire has published a paper in Oryx: The International Journal of Conservation based on her dissertation research into rhinoceros conservation and the first wildlife conservation bond.

Olutobi Onajin, Jonathan Hall, Ritu Rajashekar, Trevor Allen, Grace Cheung, Ksenija Ostojic & David Adeyemo (PCSB Cohort 21)

Research based on their group project into the Best Practices in Communications to Support Circular Economy Adoption has been published as a chapter in the Palgrave Studies in African Leadership series, Management and Leadership for a Sustainable Africa, Volume 3. The chapter is based on work undertaken to understand the critical role of communications in influencing behavioural change among city residents in favour of the circular economy through a comparative analysis of best practices in developing and developed nations using examples of the adoption of the circular economy in Lagos, Nigeria, and London, United Kingdom.

Sam Anthony (Cohort 10), Equity Analyst at Ninety One (previously Investec Asset Management)

An article based on Sam’s dissertation has been published in Business Strategy and the Environment. It explores how businesses value biodiversity in forest disclosures.

Sophie Pluck (Cohort 10), Managing Consultant at BSC Consulting (part of Accenture)

An article based on Sophie’s dissertation has been published in Appetite.  It entails a qualitative exploration of the multi-dimensional influences on meat consumption when home and office working during the Covid 19 lockdown in London, UK.

Andrew Mountfield (Cohort 9), Managing Partner at Mountfield Advisory AG, Kelly Hrajnoha, Internal Communications at CNH Industrial , Leslie Koh, Sustainability Director at Gimmill Industrial, Lija Lascenko, Environmental And Social Risk at Deutsche Bank AG, Renata Puchala, Sustainability and Social Impact Senior Manager at Natura and Cornelia Schalch, Project Manager Circular Economy at SBB CFF FFS

Andrew, Kelly, Leslie, Lija, Renata and Cornelia have published their Master’s Group Project Research in ‘Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency’. The chapter explores barriers to implementing sustainability experienced by middle managers in the fast-moving consumer goods and retail sector.

Julie Boussuge-Roze (PCSB – Value chains stream Cohort 8), Former executive director, Liryc institute

An article based on Julie’s Analysis Paper has been published in Nature review cardiology. It explores ways to reduce the environmental impact of healthcare by introducing circular models based on the example of cardiac electrophysiology.

Carmen Chan (Cohort 8),  Senior Sustainability and Fabric Manager, Tesco, Hong Kong

Research based on Carmen’s dissertation into microplastic fibre releases from industrial wastewater has been published in the journal Environmental Chemistry.

Abigail Herron (Cohort 8),  Global Head of Responsible Investment, Aviva Investors

At the FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability 2020 Awards Abigail received the award for the best Master’s thesis for her research into “antibiotic resistance as a frontier topic in responsible and sustainable investment”

Alastair Marke (Cohort 8), Carmen Chan and Gozde Taskin 

Research based on their group project into the application of the innovative circular business models to reduce e-waste in China’s mobile electronics industry has been published in the journal of Asian Education and Development Studies.

Jessica Osikominu (Cohort 7), Manager Corporate Culture, Covestro

Jessica’s research into the adoption of “voluntary simplicity lifestyle” (VSL) has been published in the open-source MDPI journal. This study defines the VSL as a voluntary reduction of income and consumption in exchange for more free time and the study contributes to a clearer understanding of the concept and its potential to contribute toward reducing unsustainable consumption patterns

Andrew Phillips (Cohort 7), Rural Director of Finance, Duchy of Cornwall

The UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner has taken an interest in Andrew's research and along with the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham, has published a paper based on his findings. Andrew has sent written evidence to a Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry into Modern Slavery and developed his research into a chapter for the book ‘Base of the Pyramid Markets in Affluent Countries’.

Ambika Jindal (Cohort 6), ING Bank, Netherlands

Ambika's article Banking on Water - the role of commercial banks in water solutions has been published in Environmental Finance.

Julian Proctor (Cohort 5), Tiger Group Investments, Hong Kong

Julian’s dissertation research on whether the access to, and use of, informal and formal credit is associated with a higher quality of life amongst the poor in Hong Kong has been published in Progress in Development Studies (Volume 17, Issue 4). 

Michael James Bowes (Cohort 5), Solicitor with Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP

Michael’s dissertation research on Sustainability in the English Water Industry has been published in the Journal of Water Law, in two parts. The first part, evaluating how the introduction of the 2004 Environmental Information Regulations into the water industry have improved sustainable provision, is available here. The second part, summarising the data collection and findings, is available here.

Tom Barnett, Senior Account Director at Trucost, Michael James Bowes, Lawyer at Berwin Leighton Paisner, Jerry White, Marketing Executive for Northam Platinum Limited and Anwar Zaib, Finance Director and Head of Compliance at Berkeley Energy (Cohort 5)

Tom, Michael, Jerry and Anwar have published their Master’s Group Project Research in Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective. The article explores the findings from their research project investigating the concept of long-term thinking in business organisations.

Steven Greenfield (Cohort 4), Regional Director & Vice President, Dimensional Fund Advisors

Steven has had an article published by the Social Marketing Quarterly journal. The article To What Extent Is Social Marketing Used in Demand Reduction Campaigns for Illegal Wildlife Products? Insights From Elephant Ivory and Rhino Horn is based on the research Steven undertook for his Master’s in Sustainability Leadership.

Angus Yip, Master’s (Cohort 4) and Dr Nancy Bocken, CISL Fellow

Angus has had a paper accepted by the Journal of Cleaner Production. The paper, Sustainable Business Model Archetypes for the Banking Industry, is based on the research Angus undertook for his Master’s in Sustainability Leadership.

Hanmin Huang (Cohort 4), senior management consultant in China

Hanmin's article is based on his dissertation, entitled 'Dynamic Mechanism Leading to the Formation and Development of Industrial Symbioses: An Empirical Study on Industrial Symbioses of the Sugar Industry in Chongzuo City, China'.

Lorna Tweedie (Cohort 4), Executive Manager, Colonial First State Global Asset Management

This research paper entitled 'Climate change: Implications for superannuation funds in Australia' was co-authored by Lorna and Jake Reynolds and was originally published by Colonial First State Global Asset Management.

Roger Ponting (Cohort 4), Group Director of Finance and Business Support, the Energy Saving Trust

Roger's article Will mandatory carbon reporting drive change? based on his dissertation research appears on the Environmental Finance website.

Beth Knight (Cohort 4), Strategy & Operations for EY's Beacon Institute

This report entitled 'A Behavioural Competency Model for Sustainability Leaders' is a summary of Beth’s dissertation research. It examines the critical competencies found in past qualitative reviews and proposes a model for effective sustainability leaders.

Zoë Arden (cohort 3), CISL Senior Associate

This article Making It Personal: Developing Sustainability Leaders in Business, based on Zoë's Master's dissertation was published in the journal Organisation and Environment.

Group Project on the Efficacy of Finance and Accounting Qualifications in Preparing Professionals to Drive Sustainable Business (PCSB Cohort 18)

This Executive Perspective summarises the collaborative research performed by authors Aila Aho (Head of Sustainable Financing, Wholesale Banking, Nordea); Beverley Cornaby (Programme Manager, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership); Shari Littan (Editor, GAAP Reporter, Thomson Reuters); Shanna Pedersen (Head of Customer Experience, Corporate, BT); Andrew Phillips (Rural Director of Finance, Duchy of Cornwall); Robert Rosenberg (Senior Consultant Sustainable Investments, South Pole Group); and Philippa Stone (Head of Sustainability, ISG).

Robert Rosenberg (PCSB Cohort 18, and current Master’s student), Senior Consultant Sustainable Investment, South Pole Group

This paper, adapted from Robert's Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business research, discusses the business case for corporate pension funds to consider sustainability, and specifically ESG, in their business models and investment decisions.

Aila Aho (PCSB Cohort 18), Head of Sustainable Financing for Wholesale Banking at Nordea in Finland

Aila shares her white paper on Understanding Green Bond Financing.

Coenraad Bezuidenhout (PG Diploma in Sustainable Business, Cohort 2), Independent Public Affairs and Sustainability Consultant.

An article based on Coenraad’s Thought Leadership Essay has been published in South Africa’s Business Day. It argues that solid dashboarding principles can help businesses provide clear, relevant and comparable data points to investors.