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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

17 February 2015 – This report aims to engage industry in a review of the global challenges around water, biodiversity and soil and showcases the extent to which companies are working together to develop new interventions in the face of natural capital degradation. The report shares some business responses to these challenges while also highlighting the barriers to long-term and sustainable management of natural capital.


doing business with natureDownload the 'Doing Business with Nature' report 

Download the 'Business opportunities from natural capital challenges' infographic

The 'Doing Business with Nature: Opportunities from Natural Capital' report was written by Dr Gemma Cranston, Dr Jonathan Green and Hannah Tranter in collaboration with the Natural Capital Leaders Platform members.

The report reflects the views of our Platform member companies who acknowledge that corporate profitability is threatened by diminishing natural capital reserves including water, biodiversity and soil. The report provides a number of case studies that show the current steps these companies are taking to address these issues. 

The report includes forewords from Polly Courtice (Director, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and José Lopez (Executive Vice President at Nestlé S.A. and Chair of the Natural Capital Leaders Platform) as well as a call to action by Dr Jake Reynolds (Director, Business Platforms at CISL).

Following on from the Doing Business with Nature report and infographic, the Platform explored the key themes of water, biodiversity and soil through a series of Action Research Collaboratories (ARCs). The Platform has so far developed two ARCs, including one on dairy and one on cotton.

For printed copies of the report please contact .