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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

9 September 2014 – ClimateWise Launches Low Carbon Energy Transition Inquiry.


The UK Government emphasised that carbon reduction is necessary for prosperity as it launched its vision for a global climate deal at Aviva Investors today. 

Financial services have an important role to play in the shift to a low-carbon economy by acting as market makers, capital providers and risk managers and advisers.

Climate science makes clear the amount of carbon that can be emitted if a temperature rise of 2°C above pre-industrial levels is to be avoided. This requires transforming our energy system and creating a plan for fossil fuel use. The issue of "financed emissions", essentially measuring and reporting on emissions associated with financial services provided to clients has been on the agenda for a while, but there is more scope to understand the key transition points that can incentivise different energy supply and use scenarios.

ClimateWise and the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) is supporting progressive action in the run up to Paris 2015 by launching an inquiry to better understand the strategic business options which can most efficiently accelerate trends for energy transition and meet future market needs.