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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Read more at: Bridging the great divide between knowledge and action

Bridging the great divide between knowledge and action

27 January 2021 – Alice Spencer, Programme Director and Global Lead for The Prince of Wales’s Business & Sustainability Programme, explores some of the dilemmas that senior business leaders will face in the year ahead and how CISL considers these in programme design.

Read more at: At times of profound crisis, the words we choose matter more than ever

At times of profound crisis, the words we choose matter more than ever

19 January 2021 – CISL Fellow and Head Tutor Zoë Arden considers how we can continue to build our capability to communicate truth and lead with courage.

Read more at: Solving challenges in partnership to bank beyond deforestation
Palm trees

Solving challenges in partnership to bank beyond deforestation

12 January 2021 – The transition to a net zero, nature-positive world requires focused collaboration between business, government and finance institutions, writes Simon Connell, Head of Sustainability Strategy, Standard Chartered and Chair of the BEI.

Read more at: How can we move towards the future we want?
Future we Want

How can we move towards the future we want?

22 December 2020 – In 2020 the coronavirus pandemic tested us all, both individually and collectively. It has also revealed the fragility of our current economic and social systems in the face of crisis. This comes at a time when further ‘system shocks’ are expected from climate change and the destruction of our natural systems, writes James Cole.

Read more at: The shifting expectations of business: aligning strategy, business model and culture with a sustainable purpose

The shifting expectations of business: aligning strategy, business model and culture with a sustainable purpose

November 2020 – As businesses look to transition from ‘rescue’ to ‘recovery’ now is a good time to clarify their role in delivering a resilient, low carbon, and fundamentally sustainable economy, says CISL's Director of Business Strategy Ben Kellard. How can organisations ensure that they have aligned their purpose and strategy with the transition ahead?

Read more at: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are vital to UK decarbonisation – how do we meaningfully engage them?
Small and medium enterprise

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are vital to UK decarbonisation – how do we meaningfully engage them?

8 October 2020 – Beverley Cornaby, Senior Programme Manager in the Policy Team at CISL reflects on how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can help shift the UK economy towards net zero by 2050.

Read more at: The six trends transforming finance for a sustainable economy

The six trends transforming finance for a sustainable economy

28 May 2020 – Alice Chapple, Course Convenor on the new Sustainable Finance online short course from the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), explores the trends that are emerging in the world of finance, from the need to manage climate change risk, to responsible investment and harnessing big data.

Read more at: First-class graduate education in a Covid-19 world
Virtual learning

First-class graduate education in a Covid-19 world

7 May 2020 – Dr Louise Drake, Fellow at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and Course Director for the Master’s in Sustainability Leadership, reflects on the success of delivering CISL's graduate courses in a virtual format, and the acceleration of CISL’s digital capabilities that have opened up new opportunities for teaching and learning to deliver the future we want.

Read more at: Could supermarkets become the new superheroes by helping to build community resilience?

Could supermarkets become the new superheroes by helping to build community resilience?

7 May 2020 – Prince of Wales Fellow Caroline Lee considers the role of the food retail sector in supporting communities through the Covid-19 crisis, and looks ahead to the challenges and opportunities supermarkets and grocers may continue to face.

Read more at: The future we want requires leaders who can communicate for influence and impact

The future we want requires leaders who can communicate for influence and impact

6 May 2020 – Zoë Arden, CISL Fellow and Course Convenor on the new Communicating for Influence and Impact online short course, discusses the need for leaders who listen first, show humility and use communication to influence and accelerate social and environmental change.


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