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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Dr Ventura is the King's Global Sustainability Fellow in Business Transformation and New Corporate Forms, supported by Anglian Water Services.

Livia joined CISL in December 2021 as a Senior Research Associate, working on corporate governance and the development of a comprehensive legal framework for sustainable organisations. She applies a legal lens to business transformation with a view to fostering policy recommendations.

Livia is an attorney at law with an academic background in both comparative and company law. She holds a PhD in Comparative and Uniform Business Law from Sapienza University of Rome (2013) and earned her second doctoral degree (S.J.D. - Doctor of Juridical Science) from Temple University Beasley School of Law in 2018. Her studies focus on the use of business as a force for an equal and inclusive economic growth. Livia has previously served as a member of the working group for the drafting of a parliamentary initiative bill on the introduction of the ‘benefit corporation’ model in Italy. She is an Adjunct Professor of Private Comparative Law at the LUISS Guido Carli Department of Law in Rome, and an Academic Fellow of the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy. In addition to several articles in Italian and international law reviews, Livia is the author of a book on The Use of ‘Internal’ Asset Partitioning in Business Law: A Comparative Overview (2019).



  • Prince of Wales Fellow in Business Transformation and New Corporate Forms.
  • Adjunct Professor of Private Comparative Law, LUISS Guido Carli Department of Law, Rome (2019-present).
  • Lecturer and coordinator, Master in “Business and Company Law: European and International Perspectives”, LUISS Guido Carli School of Law, Rome (2013-present).
  • Adjunct Professor of Comparative Legal Systems, LUMSA University, Department of Law, Economics, Politics and Modern Languages, Rome (2021).
  • Adjunct Professor of Comparative Business Law and Advanced Comparative Business Law, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Language and Cultural Studies, Modena (2018-2019).
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Private Comparative Law, LUISS Guido Carli Department of Law, Rome (2015-2019).
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Fordham University Law School, New York (2012).
  • Visiting Fellow, The Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (2011).
  • Teaching assistant in Private Comparative Law, LUISS Guido Carli Department of Law, Rome (2009-2014).


  • Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.), Temple University Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia (2018).
  • PhD in Economic and Business Law: Comparative and Uniform Business Law, Sapienza University of Rome (2013).
  • Attorney at law admitted to the Italian Bar (2013).
  • Law Degree (Company and Tax Law), LUISS Guido Carli Department of Law, Rome (2008).
  • National Scientific Qualification (ASN) to function as Associate Professor of Private Comparative Law (12/E2-IUS/02) conferred by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR) (October 2022). 

Other affiliations

  • Academic Fellow of the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy, Université De Genève.
  • Founding partner and member of the Scientific Committee of Assobenefit, the representative association of Italian benefit corporations.
  • Member of the Italian Association of Comparative Law (Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato – AIDC).
  • Member of the American Society of Comparative Law (ASCL).


Livia’s research focuses on comparative company law, with particular emphasis on topics relating to social enterprise and sustainable corporate law. As Prince of Wales Global Sustainability Fellow in Business Transformation and New Corporate Forms, Livia’s research agenda aims to identify new paradigms concerning firms’ organisational form and governance, suitable for better addressing the essential characteristics of companies willing to align their business purpose and strategies with long-term value creation for society.


Key publications: 


  • ‘The Use of “Internal” Asset Partitioning in Business Law: A Comparative Overview’, Cacucci, Bari, 2019, 1-231.

Book chapters

Peer reviewed journals

  • ‘Philanthropy and For-profit Corporation: The Benefit Corporation as The New Form of Firm Altruism’, in European Business Organization Law Review 2022.
  • ‘Supply Chain Management and Sustainability: The New Boundaries of the Firm’, in Uniform Law Review, n. 3, 2021.
  • ‘Supply Chain and Sustainability. A Research for the Human-Centred Business Model Project’, in Comparazione e diritto civile, n. 2, 2020, 583-623.
  • ‘Public procurement e sostenibilità. Convergenze trasversali dei sistemi giuridici contemporanei’, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, n. 1, 2020, 243-282.
  • ‘The Essential Role of Enterprises for an Inclusive and Sustainable Development: Towards a New Uniform Model Law for the Social Enterprise?’, in 17 European Company Law Journal, n. 1, 2020, 7-14.
  • ‘Certified B-Corps and Benefit Corporations in The Italian Legal System’, in Archivio Storico e Giuridico Sardo di Sassari, vol. 24, 2019, n. 1, 169-190.
  • ‘“If not for profit, for what?” Dall’altruismo come bene in sé alla tutela degli stakeholder nelle società lucrative, in Rivista del diritto commerciale e del diritto generale delle obbligazioni, n. 3, 2018, 545-590.
  • ‘Benefit corporation e circolazione di modelli: le società benefit, un trapianto necessario?’, in Contratto e impresa, n. 4-5, 2016, 1134-1167.
Livia Ventura
King's Global Sustainability Fellow

Contact Details