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Catchment Leadership Networ

On 29 May 2018 the Catchment Management Declaration was launched at the Water Summit attended by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales to gather commitment and action for a multisector approach to catchment management.

Decisions and positions of the group do not represent the policies or positions of CISL or of the wider University of Cambridge.


The Catchment Leadership Network was established to drive a step change in the level of activity on catchment management by:

  • supporting strategic business engagement in catchment management;
  • identifying and addressing barriers, gaps and enablers that will catalyse a sustainable model for catchment management in the UK and Ireland;
  • strengthening institutional capacities and enablers, including financial mechanisms and governance approaches to engage in catchment management;
  • capturing, learning from and applying best practice; and
  • facilitating and showcasing the delivery of exemplar cross-sector catchment management schemes and partnerships.

The Catchment Leadership Network has developed a two-phase programme of work to address these barriers and common challenges across catchments. Phase 1 aims to work with specific catchment projects to identify issues and formulate, implement and test solutions. Phase 2 will draw upon these test cases to assist and scale up the delivery of further catchment projects and to engage in relevant policy mechanisms. 


“As a founding member of the Catchment Leadership Network and Chair of BITC’s Water Taskforce I see great value in creating cross sector collaborative projects to deliver solutions for challenges that we all share. That is why I was so pleased to play a part in developing the Catchment Declaration and the subsequent Catchment Leadership Network”

Peter Simpson, Chief Executive, Anglian Water