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Business for nature

Business for Nature, in which the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) is an active partner, brings together influential organisations and forward-thinking businesses to call for policies that place nature at the heart of the global economy. While some business leaders have already made commitments and are taking action to address the nature crisis, much more is needed to respond to the scale of the situation.

Decisions and positions of the group do not represent the policies or positions of CISL or of the wider University of Cambridge.

Learning from the momentum achieved by businesses in advance of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement via We Mean Business, Business for Nature is working to amplify a powerful business voice calling for political leadership on reversing nature loss, particularly at the key international opportunities in 2020. In particular, in October, at meetings in China, the UN will be deciding on a new 10-year framework for biodiversity under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the global strategy for nature, and in December, at the international climate change summit in the UK, we expect nature-based solutions such as afforestation, land restoration, soil carbon enhancement as well as ecosystem-based adaptation to feature prominently.

CISL is contributing to Business for Nature’s advocacy at these and other events in 2020, engaging constructively in the political debate and bringing the business perspective on the policy changes needed to address these challenges.