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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

David holds a Ph.D. in Business and Territorial Competitiveness from University of Deusto, an MBA and an MSc in Finance from University of the Basque Country, and completed a Bachelor in Business Administration at San Pablo CEU University. He has more than 12 years of experience in innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development both in academia and in international consulting.


David has previously lectured at the University of the Basque Country and at Deusto Business school and his work has been featured in business and academic publications including International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Innovation or Harvard Deusto Business Review. 
He is been collaborating with CISL since 2021 supporting the Brussels office on a number of projects related to competitiveness and innovation in the industrial decarbonisation space and is co-author of the Competitive Sustainability Index. This ground-breaking CISL framework provides a comprehensive approach to measuring competitiveness in the transition to a resilient, inclusive and climate-neutral economy addressing the need for ‘Beyond GDP’ metrics. 

David Cembrero
Senior Associate of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership