2 March 2015 – The ‘Financing the Future of Energy’ report launched yesterday at the Global Financial Markets Forum in Abu Dhabi, setting out the changing nature of the global energy system over the next decade and highlighting the growing demand for sustainable energy in the Gulf region.
View the full report on the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) website.
The Financing the Future of Energy report considers the technologies that are most likely to close the supply-demand gap and the scale of financing required, providing an insight into why banks might develop these opportunities, and how they might engage public and private sector stakeholders to create a more energy efficient and low carbon economy.
The report, commissioned by the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), was written by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research (4CMR) and PwC.
Although intended primarily for the National Bank of Abu Dhabi and the financial community in the Gulf region, it will also be of interest to the energy sector and government partners in the Gulf region and in the West-East Corridor.