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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

August 2012 - Forty years ago, The Limits to Growth study addressed the grand question of how humans would adapt to the physical limitations of planet Earth. In the book 2052, Jorgen Randers, one of the co-authors of Limits to Growth, issues a progress report and makes a forecast for the next forty years.

 Integrating Ethics Across the Business World ( 2012) by Patrick O'Sullivan, Mark Smith, Mark Esposito


Using four guiding principles – a critical multi-level approach rooted in the tradition of European social theory, a comparative and international perspective, a global rather than just a European or American stand point and engaging with subject-specific issues, this comprehensive volume brings together contributions from a range of experts in different areas of business studies thereby facilitating and encouraging a move away from business ethics being a box to be ticked to being an integrated consideration across the business disciplines. This impressive book brings ethical considerations back to the heart of the business curriculum and in doing so, provides a companion for the progressive business student throughout their university career. 

About the Author

Read more about Mark Esposito on our Senior Associates page.

Buy the Book

Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World (20% discount if ordered with the discount code: MRJ76)


Published: August 2012