Led by The King's Fellows, our one-hour webinars allow attendees to engage directly with our Fellows about their research.
Further information and recordings from previous webinars can be found below.
August/September 2022
Identification of pathways for sustainable chemicals and materials manufacturing (31 August, 2022)
In this webinar, Dr Polina Yaseneva provided an overview of linear and circular models of chemicals and materials manufacturing. She discussed the role and challenges of environmental impact assessments in industrial transitions to sustainable manufacturing, focusing on how digitalisation acts as a driver to accelerate the search for sustainable production pathways
Infrastructure and sustainable communities (7 September, 2022)
In this webinar, Dr Elia Apostolopoulou discussed the links between China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), urban transformation, and inequality. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in five cities across the Global South and North, she examined how BRI infrastructures and investments are currently impacting local communities.
Luxury and social inclusion (14 September, 2022)
In the face of public health, climate, inequality, and environmental crises which overwhelmingly impact the vulnerable, there is mounting pressure for luxury brands to re-evaluate their purpose. This webinar with Dr Dina Khalifa explored shifting expectations around leadership and corporate purpose, considering the opportunities and challenges of luxury brand activism and its potential to drive large-scale social change.
The role of supermarkets in supporting local community wellbeing (21 September, 2022)
Led by Prince of Wales Fellow Caroline Lee and Dr Catherine Hammant, this webinar gave a taster of their research exploring supermarkets’ potential to leverage their resources and unique position in local communities to improve wellbeing. They discussed the stages of their work, highlighting the nature of existing social-purpose programmes, the route to impact and potential for greater effectiveness in actions and activities which support communities within local operating contexts.
March 2022
Exploring pathways to a just transition to electric transport in East Africa (9 March, 2022)
In this webinar, Dr Gabriel Okello explored how the transition to electric motorcycles (bodas) in Kampala, Uganda, could reduce air pollution, create employment, and mitigate climate change. Outlining his collaborative approach to this transition, the session provided an overview of the potential broader societal benefits and challenges of transitioning to electric bodas.
Understanding the environmental impacts of food and how to mitigate them (16 March, 2022)
This webinar with Dr Emma Garnett focused on the environmental impacts of food, providing insights into both expected and unexpected effects of food consumption. We discussed different ways of enabling more sustainable and healthy diets, considering the strengths and weaknesses of different policies such as taxes, labels and mandates.
Assessing climate risks in aviation: a systematic review (23 March, 2022)
As climate change progresses, the aviation sector continues to face both physical and transition risks. Providing an overview of these risks, this webinar from Dr Bojun Wang considered the impact mechanism of each risk driver and how their impacts have been measured in previous research.
Thinking decent work into business sustainability (30 March, 2022)
Drawing on local, national and international case studies, this webinar considered some of the challenges and benefits associated with living wage implementation. During the session, Dr Anna Barford and Marina Zorila explored current approaches to living wages, and how fair pay forms a cornerstone of decent work.