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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Trust in Sustainability

CISL and BSI are proud to support and present these start-ups who have taken part in our accelerator and pilot programme.

With increased scrutiny on companies and brands to ensure their green credentials are valid and representative, we are showing the latest innovations in digital solutions that can deliver trust and best practices for the world’s biggest sustainability challenges.

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Introducing the visionary companies who will be shaping a brighter future:

Gentian - Using remote surveys with advanced machine learning to map and assess nature for ecological surveys.

iov42 - Providing transparency to global supply chains, enabling trust at all levels for businesses and consumers.

CarbonBright - Using AI and a digital twin to automate rapid Life Cycle Assessments for clients to reduce their Product Environmental Footprint.

TEXpert AI - A diversity data analytics SaaS helping companies see, assess, and address their social impact.

HACE - Using AI and developing data-driven products for investors and supply chain companies to combat child labour.

Skenariolabs - An advanced data-driven platform that enables the analysis and optimization of building portfolios for energy efficiency and carbon reduction.


4:30-5:00 doors open and registration

5:00-7:00 startup pitches and panel discussion 

7:00-8:00 drinks

Monday, 26 February, 2024 - 16:30 to 20:00
Event location: 
Huckletree Shoreditch: Finsbury Square