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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

Munish Datta, Global Director of Sustainability, Fellow, Advisor and Trustee. Munish is passionate about the crucial role every sector of society - government, business, civic, individuals - must play to create a truly equitable, inclusive, sustainable world. He is Director with Specsavers Group, leading the design and delivery of its global sustainable business strategy. As a sustainability advisor to BNP Paribas Real Estate (Investment Management) and Danone (Specialised Nutrition), Munish provides strategic global insights, advice, and critical thinking.


In his roles as a Fellow of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and Fellow of University of Cambridge Judge Business School, Munish empowers leaders from a variety of global businesses and start-ups to tackle critical challenges. He is a trustee of sustainable development charities, Bioregional and Rama Foundation and a governor of the Stephen Perse foundation of schools in Cambridge, UK. His previous roles include Director at UK Green Building Council and Head of Sustainability, Marks & Spencer.

Munish Datta
Fellow CISL,
Director of Sustainability, Specsavers Group, Governor, Advisor and Trustee