Deanna specialises in industry-engaged social science that bridges company and community perspectives on extractive industries. Particular areas of interest include company-community conflict, displacement and resettlement, and human rights and development challenges. Deanna is also interested in how the global mining industry is organised, resourced and incentivised to respond to these pressing challenges.
Deanna commenced her research career with UQ in 2006 as a Senior Research Fellow with CSRM. In 2012, she was promoted to Associate Professor and CSRM’s Deputy Director, and in 2016 to Professor and Director of CSRM. Deanna has made significant contributions to positioning CSRM as a world-leading centre of research excellence. In her current role, Deanna manages and delivers high-profile research, leads diverse project teams, and supervises more than 30 staff and students.
Deanna serves on the Board of Trustees for the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), the New Member Review Panel for the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), and was recently appointed a Senior Associate of the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership. She is a member of the International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA), the International Network of Displacement and Resettlement (INDR) and the Society for Applied Anthropological Association (SfAA).