Prior to that, she acted as the Executive Director of the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development – FBDS, a non-profit organization promoting sustainable development in Brazil. She headed the corporate sustainability area for almost 10 years, being responsible for coordinating consultancy projects and think tank activities. She over ten years’ experience in advising major Brazilian companies (e.g. Vale, Itaú, Light, Wilson Sons, Grupo Estácio, BM&FBovespa) on sustainability strategy, management and reporting. Focused on raising awareness on the corporate agenda towards sustainability, she also serves on numerous award panels and roundtables related to sustainability practices. She has been a member of SustainAbility’s International Council since December 2010. She is Chair of Shell’s External Review Committee, bringing her expertise of the Brazilian context as an emerging economy. Prior to her dedication to the sustainability field, she worked at the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, the National Development Bank of Brazil - BNDES and Petrobras. She has published a book on sustainability and value creation (Sustentabilidade e Geração de Valor), together with co-author David Zylbersztajn – a former head of Brazil’s regulatory agency for oil&gas, and she is the author of several other publications related to corporate sustainability in Brazil.