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Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)

CISL works with senior leaders from a wide range of national and international public and private organisations


















2015年,受中国银监会邀请,CISL与中国银行业协会以及在中国的贸易金融服务银行合作,识别其可用以激励可持续大宗商品进口的实践办法。作为成果,我们与CISL银行业环境倡议(Banking Environment Initiative)当中的国际银行伙伴以及中央财经大学共同在北京举办了“中国大宗商品进口的绿色金融”研讨会和研究合作。我们将在2016年发布一份报告,总结从中获取的经验。





Beijing China Financial District


We work with senior leaders from a wide range of national and international public and private organisations. This includes senior executives from national and regional government, financial regulators, multinational and national businesses and multilateral development banks. More detail on who we work with internationally is available here.

Recent clients in China include:

Government officials and regulators

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

For over ten yours, we have delivered programmes for senior government officials. We have organised study tours for Director Generals and Division Chiefs from the Department of Basic Industries and the Institute of Comprehensive Transportation as well as from a number of municipal offices of the NDRC.

Beijing Municipal Government

We deliver an annual three-week programme for Director and Deputy Department Directors and District Mayors of the Beijing Municipal Government on sustainable urbanisation, with a particular focus on managing risk and increasing resilience.

Guangdong Provincial Government

We delivered a three week programme for senior officials from the Provincial Government of Guangdong and its cities to explore the role of industrialisation and technological innovation in promoting sustainable economic activity. The programme is described in more detail here.


China Entrepreneurs Club (CEC)

We have hosted a number of study visits to the UK and have convened round table discussions to enable Chinese entrepreneurs to engage with leading European businesses to explore approaches to achieving a low carbon economy.

China Mobile

We supported the delivery of a multi-year senior leadership programme for General Managers across China Mobile to equip them to lead effectively in changing global context.

Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology (SEE)

We delivered a Sustainability Leadership Programme for Chairmen and Board-level Executives from leading Chinese businesses to provide an overview of the global environmental, social and economic challenges and their implications for business as usual, both now and in the future.

Financial sector

In 2016, CISL was asked by the People’s Bank of China and the Bank of England to serve as a Knowledge Partner for the G20 Green Finance Study Group, focusing on Environmental Risk Analysis. ICBC subsequently asked CISL to serve as an international expert on its pioneering work on Environmental Stress Testing. In recognition of the value of CISL’s research and support for business leadership to build a sustainable financial system, we have also been invited to join China’s Green Finance Committee, convened by the People’s Bank of China, as an international member.

In 2015, CISL was encouraged by the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) to work with the China Banking Association (CBA) and banks offering trade finance services in China to identify measures that they could take that would incentivise the import of sustainably produced commodities into China. As a result, we have worked in partnership with the international banks of our Banking Environment Initiative (BEI) and the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) in Beijing to organise workshops and research on ‘Greening the finance of China’s commodity imports’. A paper summarising the lessons learned will be published later in 2016.

We were engaged by the Bank of Communications to deliver a training programme for senior leaders at on Innovation, Leadership and Strategic Management in Banking. A case study is available here.

“The extensive research on global trends and climate change is very beneficial to humanity; it shows a high degree of care for humanity and that scientists have a deep sense of mission and duty.”

Director, July 2015